Environmental equipment | home of craftsmen
Professional supplier and service provider of thermal equipment
The vast majority of industrial waste gas is belongs to flammable and explosive, toxic and harmful organics, compounds, this dangerous chemicals in the exhaust gas treatment project, for the safety of RTO exhaust gas treatment equipment is particularly important. Our design and manufacturing principles are: safety, followed by environmental emission standards. If the equipment is separated from the safety, all work is meaningless.
RTO exhaust gas treatment equipment safety has two major components: First, the safety and reliability of the equipment itself; Second, the safety and reliability of the design of the organic waste gas purification system. Both as long as there is a security problem, there is bound to be a security risk.
1, exhaust gas is usually flammable and explosive, toxic and hazardous gases, in the design of the safety elements for a major principle. So the concentration of volatile organic compounds safety indicators must be explosive lower limit 1/4 value of the following operation. Experienced designers will take into account the sudden concentration of volatile. Such as the manufacturer's process formula feeding errors, production line temperature or pressure parameter abnormalities, etc. are to have emergency control and measures. Especially in the chemical industry, this issue is particularly important. Therefore, it is particularly important to choose a company with rich experience in RTO exhaust gas treatment equipment.
2, electronic control and self-control is the command center of the exhaust gas treatment engineering system, so the RTO exhaust gas treatment equipment, electronic control principle design should be simple, reliable. Electrical components should be safe and reliable. There should be a good working environment.
3, RTO exhaust gas treatment equipment selection must be suitable and reliable, which lays the foundation for emission standards. Because of the many components of the exhaust gas, the quality of the equipment directly affects the safe production operation and equipment purification effect. Therefore, environmental protection is also a major principle of discharge standards.
4, not all RTO exhaust gas treatment equipment function of exhaust gas treatment are targeted. Therefore, some of the exhaust gas contains particulate matter, halogen exhaust, heavy metals and other compounds, the equipment have interference, and even destroy the treatment effect. Therefore, before entering the equipment, such compounds must be thoroughly purified to remove.
Contact Us
National service hotline:13829262146
Address:No. 6, Road 1, Shegang Industrial Zone, Humen Town, Dongguan, China
technical support:MYIT
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