Environmental equipment | home of craftsmen
Professional supplier and service provider of thermal equipment
Summer has arrived craft beer has become a regular guest of the night stalls, a cold glass of craft beer in the hot summer has become the daily operation of many people to eliminate the summer heat.
So why is gas steam generator used in craft beer production? Gas steam generator is supporting sterilization pot, saccharification tank, boiling tank use, saccharification high temperature chemical system, sterilization process is divided into four or more times sterilization. Sterilization is usually only about 85 degrees 2 kg of pressure holding pressure insulation for about 20 minutes. Temperature and pressure will be too high for the wine container into a crack. Gas steam generator has its own air pressure advantage, can be in the craft beer production process sterilization good air pressure temperature control.
If you are also engaged in the production of craft beer and need to use steam sterilization, you can contact our steam generator manufacturers.
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National service hotline:13829262146
Address:No. 6, Road 1, Shegang Industrial Zone, Humen Town, Dongguan, China
technical support:MYIT
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